Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Schedule

Sorry for the delay between posts; it was an intense finish to the school year.  I will be away at times this summer, however I will continue to post updates to the blog.  Thanks for following the blog this year and I hope you keep checking back this summer.

I was thinking of what to post today.  As I indicated, it was a particularly intense finish to this school year.  As a result I'm behind on all of my reading, not just for science.  I was contacting my state senator when I noticed this short video on the NYS Senate website.  What better way to begin the summer by giving thanks to our gracious God and for being fortunate enough (blessed enough) to be born and live in our great nation. But of course, how could we not give thanks to the many men and women of our armed forces who have had such an indelible effect on our comfortable lives: freedom to worship (although that is under attack by our President Obama), freedom to vote, freedom to move about as we wish, and so on - there are far too many to list here.

So as we begin this summer, let us all give thanks to our veterans, living and deceased.  Without their sacrifices, we would not be able to enjoy our lives as we do.  If you know a veteran, say, "Thank you for your service and sacrifice."  If you knew a deceased veteran, say a grandfather who fought in "The Great War," pay your respects at his grave.  Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks.

If this short video below from State Senator Dean Skelos doesn't arouse your pride in being a citizen of this great nation and bring a tear to your eye, I don't know what will.

Prayers and blessings for a safe and restful summer vacation.
- - Bro. Benjamin